Ms. Melanie's Aloha Kai Academy
About Us
We have two school sites. At our Paia site, located at the Holy Rosary Church, we have two classrooms; our preschool class has 20 students and our toddler class has 10 students. At our Makawao Union Church site we have three classrooms, the three year old class with 11 students, our Pre-k class with 20 students and a mixed class of 3-5 year olds with 12 students.
Our classrooms are designed to incorporate the needs of the "whole child" through a variety of learning centers where children can implement their thoughts and ideas into reality. We offer a flexible balance of activities and themes geared to each child's individual interests, age and needs. The daily activities available to your child include:
*Open-ended process art experiences
*Dramatic play
*Music and movement
*Fine and gross motor practice
*Science discovery
*Math and number understanding
*Exposure to books, stories, vocabulary, sign language skills, written and oral language acquisition
We look forward to a partnership with families where, through our program, children may develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
~Aloha Kai Academy, where the love of learning begins~